The very last house that Colonel Daniel Boone lived in. Family Tree Nuts visited this location, outside of Defiance Missouri, in the Femme Osage Valley at the home of Nathan Boone, the son of Daniel Boone, where Daniel spent his last days. In 1799 when Daniel Boone was 65-years-old, he was invited by the Spanish government to live in Upper Louisiana in modern day Missouri and serve as Commandant and judge of the Femme Osage Valley. Boone was granted 850 acres about four miles from the location of this house. His debts from Kentucky caught up with him and he lost most of his acreage, so he spent most of his time here with his son Nathan. Daniel spent quite a bit of time working on guns in a shop behind the house. The view from the rear of this house is most people see in photos today. The house took years to construct and wasn’t finished until 1810. It’s four stories high, and the walls are two and a half feet thick. It has holes all the way around the house to protect them from Native American attacks from any direction. In 1802 this area became under the control of the French and then again in 1803 it was sold as a Louisiana Purchase, to the United States.

Daniel often visited his daughter’s place, Jemima Boone-Calloway, near Marthasville, Missouri and is about 14 miles away from Nathan’s house. You might remember Jemima as being one of the three girls, along with the two Calloway sisters, that were captured by the Native Americans and then rescued a few days later by Daniel Boone, the Calloway girl’s father and many other family members. That story became epic and literature and paintings all over the United States, and is said to be the basis of the book and the movie “The Last of the Mohicans”. Daniel spent most of the summer of 1820 at his daughter Jemima’s house. In late summer he developed a light fever and upon getting over the fever, he requested to go back to Nathan’s house as fast as he could. Nathan hurried and brought his father back to the house. Just two weeks later about sunrise on September the 26th of 1820. Colonel Daniel Boone passed away right in this house. He was buried next to his wife, Rebecca on Jemima’s property near Marthasville and then in 1845, he was exhumed and brought to Frankfort, Kentucky, where he sits in Frankfort cemetery overlooking the State Capitol.Â

Some experts think that they got the wrong body and Daniel is still buried here in Missouri, but that’s a different story. Nathan continued to live in this house until 1837 until they moved further south. This home is open to the public and the park has many historic buildings that have been moved there from around the area.
You can see a video about the home here:
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